
¿Qué cubre?

Priority Partners members get all of the benefits of Maryland Medicaid, which means most services are low or no cost to you, including:

¿Sabía que…?

Los miembros también pueden inscribirse en programas de salud gratuitos que proporcionan apoyo cuando más lo necesitan:

Explorar nuestras clases de salud gratuitas

Priority Partners ofrece clases gratuitas en línea para ayudarle a conseguir su mejor salud. Inscríbase a una clase hoy mismo y dé el siguiente paso en su camino hacia una mejor salud.

Los temas incluyen:

Próximas Clases
Próximas Clases

Managing Diabetes

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This workshop gives you the tools and resources to better understand and manage diabetes. Gain a better understanding of blood…
Próximas Clases

Baby Basics (Part 1 and 2)

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This two-part (1 hour each day) workshop teaches expecting and new parents about caregiving for a newborn(s) from birth to…
Próximas Clases

Fall Weight Loss Challenge

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am
Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Join our Fall Weight Loss Challenge: a 6-week group challenge that offers…
Próximas Clases

Get Heart Smart

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn about heart disease and how to manage your risk factors. Learning activities focus on stress reduction, exercise, healthy eating,…
Próximas Clases

Diabetes: A Healthier You

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Discuss the importance of nutrition and physical fitness and how they help you live healthier with diabetes. Learn basic meal…
Próximas Clases

Stress Less for Your Workday

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Are you feeling stressed from work? This class will give you the tools and resources to take charge of your…
Próximas Clases

Sleep Well for Your Workday

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
How well are you sleeping? This class will give you the tools and resources to create a better work-sleep balance….
Próximas Clases

Let’s Get Physical

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Could you use some encouragement to help you increase physical activity and incorporate it into your daily life? Learn the…
Próximas Clases

Wise steps to prevent falls

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Discuss the importance of fall prevention and how to identify fall hazards within the home. Learn how medication management, annual…
Próximas Clases

Stress Less for Your Workday

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Are you feeling stressed from work? This class will give you the tools and resources to take charge of your…
Próximas Clases

Prediabetes & Me

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
The goal of this workshop is to help you prevent a diagnosis of diabetes. Learn the necessary steps to improve…
Próximas Clases

Blood, Are You Pressuring Me?

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn the warning signs of uncontrolled blood pressure and its effects on your health. Learn ways to manage your blood…
Próximas Clases

Eating the Healthy Way

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This class provides you with the tools you need to make healthy choices throughout the day, as well as on…
Próximas Clases

Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Jump-start your weight loss efforts with this class! Learn how to improve your eating habits, make healthier food choices using…
Próximas Clases

Baby Basics (Part 1 and 2)

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This two-part (1 hour each day) workshop teaches expecting and new parents about caregiving for a newborn(s) from birth to…
Próximas Clases

Stress Less for Your Workday

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Are you feeling stressed from work? This class will give you the tools and resources to take charge of your…
Próximas Clases

Raising Healthy Kids

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This workshop provides parents and caregivers of children the tools and resources to support kids’ and teens’ health. Learn how…
Próximas Clases

No More Butts, Now’s the Time to Quit

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This class provides the tools and resources you need to begin a successful journey to quit smoking. Learn the benefits…
Próximas Clases

Managing Diabetes

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This workshop gives you the tools and resources to better understand and manage diabetes. Gain a better understanding of blood…
Próximas Clases

Get Heart Smart

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn about heart disease and how to manage your risk factors. Learning activities focus on stress reduction, exercise, healthy eating,…
Próximas Clases

Sleep Your Way to Better Health

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Improve your knowledge about sleep and the importance of creating good sleep habits for better overall health. Learn how sleep…
Próximas Clases

Stress Less for Your Workday

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Are you feeling stressed from work? This class will give you the tools and resources to take charge of your…
Próximas Clases

Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Jump-start your weight loss efforts with this class! Learn how to improve your eating habits, make healthier food choices using…
Próximas Clases

Diabetes: A Healthier You

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Discuss the importance of nutrition and physical fitness and how they help you live healthier with diabetes. Learn basic meal…
Próximas Clases

Eating the Healthy Way

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This class provides you with the tools you need to make healthy choices throughout the day, as well as on…
Próximas Clases

Blood, Are You Pressuring Me?

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn the warning signs of uncontrolled blood pressure and its effects on your health. Learn ways to manage your blood…
Próximas Clases

Healthy Holidays

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Would you like to make healthier meal choices during the holiday season? Identify foods to avoid and foods to enjoy!…
Próximas Clases

Baby Basics (Part 1 and 2)

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This two-part (1 hour each day) workshop teaches expecting and new parents about caregiving for a newborn(s) from birth to…
Próximas Clases

Let’s Get Physical

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Could you use some encouragement to help you increase physical activity and incorporate it into your daily life? Learn the…
Próximas Clases

Managing Diabetes

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This workshop gives you the tools and resources to better understand and manage diabetes. Gain a better understanding of blood…
Próximas Clases

The Basics of COPD

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn how to successfully manage and live well with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Próximas Clases

Sleep Well for Your Workday

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
How well are you sleeping? This class will give you the tools and resources to create a better work-sleep balance….
Próximas Clases

Breathe Easier: Managing Asthma

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Discover how to take control of your asthma using self-management techniques. Learn the basics of asthma, asthma triggers, medications, how…
Próximas Clases

Managing Diabetes

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This workshop gives you the tools and resources to better understand and manage diabetes. Gain a better understanding of blood…
Próximas Clases

Blood, Are You Pressuring Me?

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn the warning signs of uncontrolled blood pressure and its effects on your health. Learn ways to manage your blood…
Próximas Clases

Get Heart Smart

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Learn about heart disease and how to manage your risk factors. Learning activities focus on stress reduction, exercise, healthy eating,…
Próximas Clases

Wise steps to prevent falls

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Discuss the importance of fall prevention and how to identify fall hazards within the home. Learn how medication management, annual…
Próximas Clases

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Increase your knowledge about stress and anxiety and how they affect your health. Identify your individual stressors, learn techniques to…
Próximas Clases

Diabetes: A Healthier You

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Discuss the importance of nutrition and physical fitness and how they help you live healthier with diabetes. Learn basic meal…
Próximas Clases

Prediabetes & Me

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
The goal of this workshop is to help you prevent a diagnosis of diabetes. Learn the necessary steps to improve…
Próximas Clases

Healthy Holidays

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Would you like to make healthier meal choices during the holiday season? Identify foods to avoid and foods to enjoy!…
Próximas Clases

Let’s Get Physical

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
Could you use some encouragement to help you increase physical activity and incorporate it into your daily life? Learn the…
Próximas Clases

Eating the Healthy Way

Thursday, January 1  /  12:00am – 12:00am
This class provides you with the tools you need to make healthy choices throughout the day, as well as on…

Preguntas frecuentes

Obtenga respuestas a las preguntas más comunes de los miembros.

Puede inscribirse en una MCO y elegir un proveedor de atención primaria (PCP) a través de Maryland Health Connection. Hay tres formas para aplicar:

Podrá elegir su MCO en uno de los pasos del proceso.

Puede renovar sus beneficios de salud de la siguiente manera:

  • En línea en Maryland Health Connection: cree una cuenta de usuario y luego vaya a “Iniciar nueva solicitud” en los enlaces rápidos de la página de inicio de la cuenta.
  • Utilizando la aplicación móvil de Maryland Health Connection.
  • Llamando al Centro de atención telefónica de Maryland Health Connection al 855-642-8572 (TTY: 855-642-8573).
  • En persona en su departamento de salud local, o en el Departamento de Servicios Sociales local.

No tiene que hacer nada si la madre es miembro de Priority Partners. El bebé se añadirá automáticamente en su fecha de nacimiento.

Si la madre no es miembro de Priority Partners, consulte con su plan de salud o con el Departamento de Salud de Maryland.

Acceda a su portal para miembros, haciendo clic en “Inicio de sesión de miembros” en la parte superior de nuestro sitio web. También puede llamar a Priority Partners al 800-654-9728.

Puede cambiar su médico de atención primaria (PCP) entrando en su portal para miembros. También puede llamar a Priority Partners al 800-654-9728.

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¿Necesita ayuda?

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está aquí para ayudarle. Comuníquese con nosotros en:

Por favor, no incluya información personal de salud
en su correo electrónico.

TTY para personas con discapacidades auditivas:


Seleccionar a un médico de atención primaria, o PCP, es una de las partes más importantes de usar su plan de Priority Partners. Por lo general, su PCP es la primera persona a la que ve cuando necesita atención médica. Puede ayudar a diagnosticar afecciones médicas, recetar medicamentos y derivarle a especialistas.

Noticias y actualizaciones

  • Evento Proyecto Cupboards en Salisbury

    La comunidad de Salisbury se está preparando para la gran inauguración de otro minibanco de alimentos de autoservicio gratuito del…

    Más información

  • ¡Envíe su solicitud ahora! Nuevas becas de $800 de Priority Partners

    Priority Partners se enorgullece en anunciar un nuevo programa de becas exclusivo para los miembros de Priority Partners y sus…

    Más información

  • Nuevo evento de lanzamiento del Proyecto Cupboards en Silver Spring

    El Proyecto Cupboards de Priority Partners lanza un nuevo minibanco de alimentos de autoservicio en el condado de Montgomery. El…

    Más información

Boletín Más Reciente

Boletín de junio de 2024

Copagos de farmacia nuevos, el verano es para divertise y para las visitas pediatricas de rutina, y solicite una beca…

Las visitas médicas de rutina son una parte importante de la atención médica de su hijo desde el nacimiento hasta los 12 años. Les proporcionan a los niños la atención que necesitan mientras crecen. Esto incluye las vacunas y otros cuidados importantes. Las visitas médicas de rutina son gratuitas para los miembros de Priority Partners. ¡Programe la suya hoy!

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